Annual recital for students of Natyam Academy of performing Arts

Our Recital for the Academic year 2023-24 is planned for Sunday March 10th at the Lewisville Grand Theatre. The Address is 100 N Charles St, Lewisville, TX 75057. This is a one time event in a year for the school, so looking forward to seeing each one of you participate. Feel free to invite your family and friends.
We are always in need of volunteers who can help us with various tasks on that day of the event. Check the shift your child is performing and please sign up as a volunteer to help us.
Shift 1 Volunteer sign up sheet :
Shift 2 Volunteer Sign up sheet:
We will be performing in two shifts:
Shift 1 :
All participants in the shift 1 should be at the Recital hall by 2.15 PM. We will take class wise photos on stage before we begin the show.

Shift 2
All participants in the shift 2 should be at the Recital hall by 4.45 PM. We will take class wise photos on stage before we begin the show.

Make up videos: Each class may have their own make requirements which will be communicated in the class group. The following videos will give you a basic idea of how to do your hair and face make up.