Our annual recital Kalaanjali-2022 is on Sunday, May 8th, 2022, at Plaza theatre in Graland, TX. Note the Address: 521 W State St, Garland, TX 75040.
We have students performing in two shifts. This helps us divide the school to avoid all the crowd at the same time.
Shift 1- 2.45 to 4.30pm. Your call time at the venue is 2.15pm.

Shift 2- 5.00 to 6.45 pm. Your call time at the venue is 4.30pm.

Recital Venue is The Plaza theatre marked in Red. There are street parking available in front of the auditorium. The picture below gives you an idea of other parking available around the venue.
Volunteers sign up:
We need Volunteers to help us with the show. Please sign up in the sheet below if you can lend us a hand in any way.
For 2 to 4.30 PM shift :
Click the link below and add your name with the job you can sign up for.
For 4.45 to 6.30 PM shift :
Click the link below and add your name with the job you can sign up for.