Our annual recital Kalaanjali-2021 is on Tuesday, December 21st, 2021, at Plano courtyard theatre. Note the Address: 1509 H Ave, Plano, TX 75074. There is a good size parking lot in the premises. Parking should not be a problem. Kids have worked hard for this day and are looking forward to it.
We have students performing in two shifts. This helps us divide the school to avoid all the crowd at the same time.
Shift 1- 3.15 to 5.15pm. Your call time at the venue is 2.45pm.
Shift 2- 5.45 to 7.45 pm. Your call time at the venue is 5.15pm.
Shift 1 details are below

Shift 2 details are below:

The above information should be good to plan your day. More details about the program’s etiquettes will be sent closer to the recital. If you have any questions please reach out to me.